[Kgg]Tabular Playground Series (Dec. 2021)


origin of dictation

이어지는 포스팅 :
Kgg_TPS 02

Description of competition

data overview


Kaggle에서 매달 1일에 data scientists의 Featured competitions을 위해 beginner- friendly로 제공하는 대회

The study area includes four wilderness areas located in
the Roosevelt National Forest of northern Colorado.
Each observation is a 30m x 30m patch.
You are asked to predict an integer classification for the forest cover type(FCT).

The seven types are:

1 - Spruce/Fir
2 - Lodgepole Pine
3 - Ponderosa Pine
4 - Cottonwood/Willow
5 - Aspen
6 - Douglas-fir
7 - Krummholz

The training set (15120 observations) contains both features and the Cover_Type.
The test set contains only the features.
You must predict the Cover_Type for every row in the test set (565892 observations).

Data Fields

Elevation - 미터 단위 고도
Aspect - 방위각의 종횡비 (위치)
Slope - 경사 기울기
Horizontal_Distance_To_Hydrology - 해수면까지의 수평거리
Vertical_Distance_To_Hydrology - 해수면까지의 수직거리
Horizontal_Distance_To_Roadways - 도로와의 수평 거리
Hillshade_9am (0 to 255 index) - 여름, 오전 9시 Hillshade
Hillshade_Noon (0 to 255 index) - 여름, 정오 Hillshade
Hillshade_3pm (0 to 255 index) - 여름, 오후 3시 Hillshade
Horizontal_Distance_To_Fire_Points - 산불 발화점까지 수평거리


: 야생지역
- 4 개의 columns (토양 유형 지정)
+ 0 = 없음
+ 1 = 있음


: 토양 유형 지정
- 40 개의 columns
+ 0 = 없음
+ 1 = 있음


FCT 지정
br> - 7 개 columns

+ 0 = 없음

+ 1 = 있음

The wilderness areas are:

1 - Rawah Wilderness Area
2 - Neota Wilderness Area
3 - Comanche Peak Wilderness Area
4 - Cache la Poudre Wilderness Area

The soil types are:

1 Cathedral family - Rock outcrop complex, extremely stony.

2 Vanet - Ratake families complex, very stony.

3 Haploborolis - Rock outcrop complex, rubbly.

4 Ratake family - Rock outcrop complex, rubbly.

5 Vanet family - Rock outcrop complex complex, rubbly.

6 Vanet - Wetmore families - Rock outcrop complex, stony.

7 Gothic family. Na

8 Supervisor - Limber families complex.

9 Troutville family, very stony.

10 Bullwark - Catamount families - Rock outcrop complex, rubbly.

11 Bullwark - Catamount families - Rock land complex, rubbly.

12 Legault family - Rock land complex, stony.

13 Catamount family - Rock land - Bullwark family complex, rubbly.

14 Pachic Argiborolis - Aquolis complex.

15 unspecified in the USFS Soil and ELU Survey. (Na)

16 Cryaquolis - Cryoborolis complex.

17 Gateview family - Cryaquolis complex.

18 Rogert family, very stony.

19 Typic Cryaquolis - Borohemists complex.

20 Typic Cryaquepts - Typic Cryaquolls complex.

21 Typic Cryaquolls - Leighcan family, till substratum complex.

22 Leighcan family, till substratum, extremely bouldery.

23 Leighcan family, till substratum - Typic Cryaquolls complex.

24 Leighcan family, extremely stony.

25 Leighcan family, warm, extremely stony.

26 Granile - Catamount families complex, very stony.

27 Leighcan family, warm - Rock outcrop complex, extremely stony.

28 Leighcan family - Rock outcrop complex, extremely stony.

29 Como - Legault families complex, extremely stony.

30 Como family - Rock land - Legault family complex, extremely stony.

31 Leighcan - Catamount families complex, extremely stony.

32 Catamount family - Rock outcrop - Leighcan family complex, extremely stony.

33 Leighcan - Catamount families - Rock outcrop complex, extremely stony.

34 Cryorthents - Rock land complex, extremely stony.

35 Cryumbrepts - Rock outcrop - Cryaquepts complex.

36 Bross family - Rock land - Cryumbrepts complex, extremely stony.

37 Rock outcrop - Cryumbrepts - Cryorthents complex, extremely stony.

38 Leighcan - Moran families - Cryaquolls complex, extremely stony.

39 Moran family - Cryorthents - Leighcan family complex, extremely stony.

40 Moran family - Cryorthents - Rock land complex, extremely stony.

  • 경사(Slope) : 어떤 지점의 지반이 수평을 기준으로 몇도 기울어져 있는가
    • θ(theta) 로 표현
    • 각이 클 수록 지반의 경사가 급하고 각이 0이면 평편한 지반
  • 향(Aspect): 지반의 경사면이 어디를 향하는가
    • 북: 0도, 동: 90도, 남: 180도, 서: 270도.
    • 완전히 평편할 경우 GIS 시스템마다 다른 값, Null 가능, (-1과 같은 값이 적당)




각각의 ID 를 cover type 과 Matching하여 file format 형태를 만들어 제출 하면 됩니다.



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